Today I'm pleased to announce Linkarati will be hosting our second ever webinar, February 24th.
Register NOW!
If you missed the last one I did a full write up--including video--here. Overwhelmingly, our favorite part of the webinar was answering audience questions. So this time, we're going to try and do a full webinar only replying to audience questions.
That's right, a full webinar only answering audience questions. To make this work, we'll need you to submit questions before the webinar itself. So, without any further ado, please fill out the form below if you'd like us to answer your link building question within the webinar:
[gravityform id="5" name="Webinar Questions"]
The Nitty Gritty Details
The webinar is:
- February 24th
- Registration will be open soon
- Presenters will be:
- Cory Collins
- Andrew Dennis
- Nicholas Chimonas
- Cody Cahill
- Moderation by Jesse Stoler
- Question organized by Meghan Cahill
- Round robin, Question & Answer style
- 45 minutes - 1 hour
- No theme picked yet - will be pulled from submitted questions
If you submit questions now, there's at least a reasonable chance we'll answer them live. And believe me, it really will be live - Jesse and Meghan won't be sharing any questions with us beforehand. It'll all be in the moment, honest responses.
We'd like to also collect questions as the webinar is underway. Ideally, that means we'll spend half of our time answering presubmitted questions, and half the time answering questions asked as the webinar is underway. This will of course depend on audience questions and engagement.
Questions, comments, thoughts, considerations? Send em on over to me at
Thanks, and hope to see you there!